Saturday, December 22, 2018

We're All A Little Rudolph

We moved to Texas almost 15 years ago.  I never thought this Pittsburgh girl would ever move out of state, let alone to Dallas.  But here I am, and God willing, here is where I will stay.

Most of you have heard me say that I am the black sheep of my biological family at one time or another.  I am totally okay with that.  As the years have gone by and I've leveled up in years, I have learned so very much, but none more so much than how to love myself and let myself be loved.  You might be great at that, for this type A person, I was not, and still struggle at times.

About 12 years ago, I was introduced to the second greatest pastime in Texas after high school football.  The game of Bunco.  For the longest time, I was asked to sub into groups but never had a place that I belonged.  Not like the high school version of you don't belong.  Not the picked on kind of you don't belong, but rather, people have to die or get kicked off the group in order to get a permanent spot.

So, like most things in my life, eight years ago,I began with a plan and a prayer.  I asked Bob (aka the Holy Spirit) who to invite into the group.  After He and I made a list and gathered the people, the Happy Hugging Holy Bunco group was formed.  Some people have had to drop out for various reasons and we have brought others on.  However, the core people remain.  All of these women are my family.  We have faced illnesses, cancer, and death.  We have celebrated weddings, laughed, at times argued, and always, always, loved.  As my Carol said it best last evening "you hold your family up and we will hold you up".

With bunco, you rotate the host monthly.  Some of us keep the same one, I'm always October and Halloween costumes are mandatory, Liz is always February, (both her and her daughter Amanda are born on Valentines day!), Amy and Amanda are teachers and always in the summer, and Carolina, always has December bunco.  About 7 or so years ago, Carolina purchased a statue of Mama Mary holding baby Jesus.  I have wanted it ever since then.  The statue has been everywhere in here house.  Every time, and I do mean, EVERY TIME, I walk in her house, I find her and ask for her.  Last night was no exception. There is just a pull to this statue.  I feel a bond, or whatever label you want to call it, I simply will call it home.

This year, one of my dreams/goals has come true.  We sold our house and have moved.  We are temporarily in an apartment and all is well.  We moved 15 years of stuff in 3 weeks.  It was stressful to say the least, but we pushed through and persevered with a lot of help.  Through all of it, my (bunco) family supported me, loved me, and lifted me up in prayer.

Last night was our annual Christmas bunco at Carolina's.  After the delicious food was eaten, the Chilean lemonade drunk and the round robin gift exchange had happened. Carolina made made an announcement.  "Gina," she said "We all got together and got you a housewarming present!  The twist is, you have to find it!  Pleasantly surprised (who does't love presents!!??) but maybe *slightly* inebriated from the work party before and 2 glasses of Chilean lemonade, and not exactly ready to get off the comfortable couch, I asked, "Is it wrapped? (no), Is it bigger than a bread box (yes).  I looked around the room and then jokingly said "Is it Mary!? "  Carolina said "YES!"  Then, there was a minute or two of me in disbelief and back and forth NO!  YES!, and I was just about in tears.  I was handed my Mama and hugged and loved on and thanked everyone.  Then, I sat back on the couch with my statue and wouldn't move for about 15 minutes. 

Mama Mary is happily with me in the apartment.  I've been talking to her all day.   The family I was born into I didn't exactly fit (except for my mom, she's the greatest!).  Like Rudolph, being a misfit, we made our own families.  I am richly, undeservedly blessed.  We all have our insecurities and self doubts, we are all misfits.  However, we are all loved by the greatest Dad I could ever imagine, God and that' all anyone could ever ask for!  At the end of the day. we are all a little Rudolph.  Merry Christmas from my heart, to yours.

Until next time,
Embrace your misfit, she's awesome!


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