Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Spirit of Christmas

 Merry Christmas!!!

This year was one for the books and not necessarily in a good way.  Death, disaster, and destruction found it's way into our home this year.  Since losing my Mama in February, nothing has been the same.  The air feels different.  Food tastes different.  I am different.

I said it before and I'll say it again, grief sucks, man.

This Christmas season I have been looking for the Christmas Spirit.  I have not been able to find it.  I've been praying, listening to Christmas music since October, looking at my decorations, wrapping presents and yet, no Spirit.

Usually, I go to Mass on Christmas Eve.  However, this year with the weather all stormy and dark (which I love, just not driving in), I decided to go early on Christmas Day.

It was a beautiful Mass, however, I was having a hard time concentrating on the Mass itself.  I was people watching, looking at the beautiful nativity, just lost in my own thoughts.  Despite this, my attention would always come back to the Mass.  Nope, no Christmas Spirit yet.  I guess it was not going to happen this year.

As the Mass was ending, we began to sing the recessional song, "Joy to the World".  "Joy to the world, the Lord has come, let earth receive her King".  And, in the packed church, my eyes weld up with tears and my arms were covered in chills.  Her King.  My King.  My Lord has never and will never forget me.  The Spirit of Christmas had found me, finally.  My King had arrived!

This Advent season, I had been yearning to feel the Spirit of Christmas, and on Christmas day, I finally did.  Grief is never easy, and it's harder at the holidays to be sure.  But, with Jesus and Big Daddy, I survived.   Not only did I survive what I thought would for sure kill me, I had a multitude of blessings this year.  And on that is what I choose to focus on.  Death, disaster, and destruction did not win.  Jesus did.  And He will forever win.  May you hold the Spirit of Christmas in your heart all year round.



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