Sunday, January 30, 2011

I teach.  Well, kind of.  It's more like I share.  For the past year, I've been 'teaching' second year JYM students about our faith and preparing them for the sacrament of conformation.  I have a class of all girls and I try to make the classes fun.  I say I share vs. teach b/c I don't know how to teach, but ask me about my faith, yea, that I can do!

We're on week three of five on the Mass.  Dude, there are so many parts of the Mass that I love!  The Gloria, certain Scripture readings that day, quite a number of Homilies, a bunch of the prayers, the Eucharist! There's just bunches and bunches to love.  Today's lesson was about scripture.  Why it's so important.  We broke up into small groups and each was assigned a reading, i.e., first, second, Psalm, Gospel.  They were to read it and then give a Homily on it, or a book report as I like to call it.  Now, keep in mind, we had a longer class today as a parent meeting was going on, so while I normally have around 40-50 minutes, today I had about an hour and a half.  I had to make the dry boring stuff come alive.  How to do that?  I did what I usually do.  I let Bob lead me.

These girls were only slightly interested, even when we broke into groups.  Then, I did something different.  After reading a particular Psalm, I had them read Psalm 142.  It's one of my very favorites.  Poor, poor David, he seems to be in the depths of despair (despite Marilla Cuthbert's claim that to despair is to turn your back on God (from Anne of Green Gables).  We talked about this Psalm for quite some time and reflected how we have all had bad days.  Then, I had them slide back in their chairs, relax their bodies and clothes their eyes.  Then, I read to them two of my very favorite scriptures.  One, from the book of Isaiah 43:1-just about the end of 1 I can't remember the exact number and Psalm 139 (shout out to Sarah Ryan my Psalm buddy!)  I read these two scriptures with all the feeling and weight that I could muster.  I implore you to read them yourselves.  When they opened their eyes, one girl was wiping away a couple of tears.  Yea, she got it.  I told them one of my favorite, favorite sayings is if you're feeling Psalm 142 try Psalm 139.  I implored these young women to realize that there is absolutely nothing, NOTHING that they can go through that hasn't been gone through in the Bible.  I told them it's got everything...murder, mayhem, sword fighting, romance, and love!  We talked about the two readings I read to them and they understood how much God truly loves them.  How there is nothing they can do that would stop God from loving them.  It's really cool to see when their lights come on and they get it.  I told them, that it's okay, there's gonna be times when you forget how much God loves you and how He's always there for you.  We're human.  Heck, I forget it tons of times!  But, that God always welcomes me back and they will always be welcomed back.

I love how awesome God is.  My favorite, I think, at least today (it changes what I love about Him the most) is how when I am not ready to be accessible to Him, He keeps making Himself known to me in different ways.  God is good all the time!

I know I said I started walking a couple weeks ago.  I've taken a few steps.  Nothing of great lengths, in fact, I'm still on the steps of the house.  At least I'm no longer on the porch. lol  Sometimes as of late, I am tempted to go back up a step or two, but I haven't.  It helps when you have my angels talking me from going back up the steps.

I wish you all a wonderful nights rest.  May you sleep in heavenly peace!
Until next time, pray for those who are preparing to make their conformation :D

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