Monday, April 2, 2012

We've only just begun

Is my least favorite Carptenter's song.  But, it is true.

Twelve weeks ago, by the Holy Spirits prompting I joined the Fit & Fierce competition at Leading Cast Rhythms & Fitness.

I've joined many gyms over my time.  When I was in my 20's and still stick thin.  And, in my thirties, when I was not.  I liked the swimming pools, the sauna's, and the treadmills were okay.  Watching tv while listening to my music and working out was great for my adhd.  I'd meet with the personal trainer as one visit was always included.  I've always had bad knees (at least in my thirties and up) and couldn't do the stair master, so I stayed away.  The trainer showed me how to work the weight machines and how many reps to do and then I was off on my own.  It got very boring.   And, I'm not gonna pay some trainer who looks like a model to watch me sweat.  I'm self conscience enough, that's why I'm at the gym in the first place!  It never stuck. 

Other than the Holy Spirit, I can't name the reason I joined the studio this January.  I don't know what my catalyst was, I just knew I wanted to do it.  There, I met the best most supportive people.  I learned about nutrition.  I learned that you can't target an area to lose weight and that it's gonna come off wherever and whenever in whatever order it comes off.  I learned that I like sprouted bread.  I learned what sprouted bread is.  I learned I wished we had a Sprouts store in Allen and that since we don't 10-15 minutes really isn't that far to drive for good, fresh, vegetables.  Yes, miss 'loves everything that's fried' is eating fresh vegetables.  I learned how to cook kale.  Although, I prefer it in my sandwich.  I learned that grape seed oil is yummy and that people will not look at you funny when you tell them you don't like olive oil.  I learned that my beloved margarine is one chemical away from being plastic and that I actually like real, honest to God, real, butter!  I learned that exercise is good and that I can do anything given the right tools.

That's exactly what R&F did for me.  The people, the coaches and the members gave me the tools to change myself.  And, the change was so subtle, I didn't realize, how much my food choices changed.  With Bob's prompting (the Holy Spirit) again, five weeks ago, I joined the boot camp program with Steve.  Three more classes to go!!!  I learned that there's not a lot of people up at 5:30 in the morning, but there is at 6:30  I learned that insanity is fun and that tires are great exercise.  I could change a tire before, now I'll not only change it, but I can get some reps in while I'm doing it!  I learned that boot camp does not mean military screaming in your face and that my boot camp friends (and the ones at the studio in general) are some of the most amazing people I've ever met in my life.  I learned that when I grow up, it might be fun to be a zumba instructor (I say this because every other song on the radio I'm either making up a routine to it or thinking "I must tell Lori so she can make a routine to this song".  I learned that it's not about fast, fast, fast.  That I didn't put 70 pounds on overnight and it isn't going to come off in two hours. 

I've spent years trying what didn't work (for me), weight watchers, lightweight, special k (the cereal not the drug lol), slim fast, herba life.  And almost always felt like a failure.  I've spent twelve weeks with my new friends and I couldn't be prouder of myself!  You who have been with me through the years with this blog know just how amazing that is!

But, like the Carpenter's song that I hate so much, I've only just begun.  I am sticking with the studio, doing another twelve week program.  Looking forward to with great excitement (and dreading) the end of boot camp, and excited about the possibility of boxing.  I think I figured out why R&F is the place for me.  It's God centered.  The owners, my friends and coaches, are wonderful God loving people.  They don't hit you over the head with their love for Him, but when you walk in the studio, all you feel is love, that is until you lift a tire or a medicine ball, then you feel love and pain.

I just had to thank my coaches, Teresa, Angela, and Steve and all my friends at R&F for their love and support.  I could not have done, nor continue to do this journey without all of you. " Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."  Philipians 4:8 That should be the R&F motto because that is what they live.

Until next time,
Stop in for a Zumba class and as my Carol is so fond of telling me, "let go, let God"!


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