Friday, December 31, 2010


The idea for this retrospective was blatantly stolen from one of the very best parts of my heart, Julie!  Thank You!!!!

In a little over six hours, this year will be over.  I'm actually glad.  Sure, I can write my own book of lamentations.  I could tell you how my heart hadn't recovered from Mom Carol's death three years ago that being hit with Mema's death has brought me to my knees.  I could tell you how many countless times I have failed myself and others constantly.  I could tell you of the temper tantrums I've thrown, the aches and pains as I get older, the trials and tribulations of raising three teenagers while not becoming an alcoholic (lol), or the constant uncertainty of George's job.  I could tell you all these things, but then you would miss out on all the blessings I've experienced this year.

While George and I are not a perfect couple, nor have a perfect marriage, we continue to grow closer all the time.  He continues to amaze me with his love and his constant support.  Sure, we occasionally argue, who doesn't?  But everyday, and especially through the uncertainty of his job, our marriage has strengthened.

I have this friend whom I love immensely.  And while we have always had a good friendship, this year we grew closer which filled me with great joy.  We are literally two peas in a pod and thus our Pod with Bob, St. Peter and St. Theresé and myself was born.  Julie SO ROCKS!

I was introduced by God to so many amazing women this year.  Lisa Ryan, Jenn Hicks, Alyssa Barreneche just to name a few.  While they are all wonderful, I found another pea in Alyssa.  As Anne of Green Gables likes to say, she is truly a "kindred spirit!"  I know that no matter what happens, she is there for me and I for her.  I don't have to talk to her everyday or see her all the time, our friendship will survive's, bad days, trial days, you name it!  We have the cockroach of friendship!

Tina had baby Emily (aka Shaniqua) this year!  While our friendship will always be strong, our time together is sporadic.  Having a new baby does that!  But, with our phone calls and myriad of inside jokes, we are always together.

My Carol.  How much I love her!  She's never too busy for me.  Even if she's in a hurry, if I truly need her, she's always there.  She's truly my sister in every way.  I think we should make our crossword puzzle by phone a monthly thing! lol

My Mom visited this year.  The first time in four years!  I got to spend time with her in person!  It's a lot different than on the phone.

My sister and I continue to grow closer this year.  Even going so far as to commiserate over Mema's death.  She brought me such comfort.

My children!  How resilient they are!  How much they've grown this year and not just physically!  We continue to grow in love and strength as a family.

I got to reconnect with Father Antony!

Dad came down twice this year!  Once for Maria's conformation!

My Sharon had many trips down this year!  Ahhh my 'burgh buddy!  It doesn't matter how far away she is, we are only a phone call, email, or text away!  I love that no matter how far away we are, we are always together.  She is so awesome!

And, my prayer life.  Sure, I spent a good portion of the year running and running.  And, I constantly feel that I am not praying the right way.  I learned I put so much pressure on my prayer life.  I learned it's okay if I don't say a Rosary everyday.  Mary knows how much I love her.  I learned that just talking to God and having conversations with him...that's praying.  My goal this year is to add more face time with Him.

I am constantly reminded everyday (even days when I am in my tent) how much God blesses my family.  Sure my heart has stretched and broken and been bounced all around, but when God has your heart, you never have to worry, He's awesome at putting it back together again!

So, as this year comes to a close, I wish you a new year full of happiness, love, and many blessings.  I also wish you trials, tribulations and heavy crosses.  For with them and God, is where you truly find where your strength lies and how much you are truly loved!

Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
Until next time,
Don't do anything I wouldn't do tonight!


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