Monday, November 21, 2011

Barry Manilow, Mandy, and The Byrds

Three years ago, I was pretty much hating my life.  Well, my work life.  I was working in restaurants nights and weekends and never really seeing my family.  It takes it toll.  Sure, I have made work friends.  Friends I am still close with to this day (Sarah K, Sarah C, my David and Rachel just to name a few).  I rejoiced when they bought their house or graduated (finally!) from college.  These friends are never more than a text or a facebook away.  But generally, I was unhappy.  My family needed health insurance, I never saw my family, what's a girl to do?  I talked to one of my very favorite guru's, my Julie.  Julie, in a move she credits to the Holy Spirit, told me to apply at our school district to be a lunch lady.  Her good friend is a lunch lady and she loves it.  So, when Julie and the Holy Spirit talk, I listen!    I applied and before I started work three years ago Julie's conversation with me went something like this..."when you start, make sure you find said friend and introduce yourself.  She's awesome and you'll love her!"

So, day one of my job three years ago, I walked up to this woman and said "are you so and so?  I'm Gina, Julie's friend!"  Not knowing anyone or what I was walking into knowing this person had my guru's seal of approval, I knew everything was going to be okay.  Fast forward three (school years) later.  Julie's friend is my friend too.  We have had countless conversations about work, our kids, football and our families.  We have made each other laugh, we have supported each other.  And, most of all these conversations happened at work!  I assure you, work did get done too! lol   She has become someone very dear to me.  She's the one at work that everyone just loves.  You can't help it.  You just love her.

Well, in the crap storm that is life, next week is my friends last week at work.  Her husband got a promotion (YEA) and they'll be moving at the end of the school year (boo).  We have been praying for their house to sell (yea!) which it did (boo) and now, she has to deal with the packing and moving into a rental and everything that entails.  I am bummed.  And, that's putting it mildly.  Everyone at work, minus the conotworker, is majorly bummed.  Not am I loosing a good coworker, I am losing a very good friend.  And while good friends are hard to find, I know we will still text and keep in contact, but it bums me out nonetheless.  I won't admit to tears being shed in the privacy of my bedroom in front of my husband at the loss of my friend.  See, I know the whole 'some people are friends for a season' thing.  Have I told you how much I hate that saying?  I hate it just about as much as the 'God has a plan' saying and that's saying a lot!  So, Bob (aka the Holy Spirit) has been trying to comfort me and told me this is just a season.  I told him I want her to be summer in Texas, do you know how long that lasts?  like F O R E V E R!  But alas, it's not the world according to Gina.  I don't rule the world (be thankful, really!) So, I've been concentrating on what I have learned from my friend.  I've learned countless inside jokes.  I've learned to pick up others slack.  I've learned more about high school football than I ever thought possible.  I've even learned some of the kids names!  I've became friends with football moms.  I've learned things I forgot too, like not to take life and my job, too seriously.  I've learned that no matter where some friends go, we will always be friends.

So, I can't quote Barry Manilow here because the song really doesn't apply and that would just be majorly ooky.  I love her, I don't LOVE her lol!  But, like the Byrds sang "there's a time for every purpose under heaven".  And, this is the time for her to go and for our friendship to stretch (have I mentioned how very much I hate change?  That is unless I change into a size 3 overnight!) and grow and change.  And, I feel comfortable speaking for most of us at work when I say, Mandy, you will be greatly missed.  {()} Ahhh ha ha ha! 

Until next time,
Call your friend you haven't had time too and let them know you love them still :D


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