Saturday, August 3, 2013

Jane, Mr. Rochester, and Forgiveness

I love books.  Even that is too bland a statement.  I devour books.  Well, certain books.  Non-fiction and science fiction just don't do it for me.  But the classics, and others...please...there's no place I'd rather be on any given day (unless my husband isn't working then, I'm happily with him!).

I also like when certain books turn into movies.  Sometimes, I see the movie first.  One of my favorite books from junior high was Jane Eyre.  I confess that I loved it at the time, but then as the years went on, various versions came out, and there's one I love in particular the 2011 version.  The movie is full of mystery and romance.  I found the romance between Jane and Mr. Rochester to be beautiful, all the glances and hand touching (quite dull compared with today's movies but I love it nonetheless).  Then, I read a book that made me see it from a different perspective.  How Mr. Rochester was selfish.  He treated Jane rather unfairly and without giving any spoilers away, did something unforgivable.  Yet, no matter after reading the book, and knowing the ending, the story is about forgiveness.  That love can forgive anything, or rather, just about anything.  How forgiveness makes us 'all together human" (a quote from the movie).

Yesterday afternoon, I was not the best version of myself to my daughters.   I didn't do anything horrible mind you.  Nothing, like Mr. Rochester, but, it was not one of my best moments.  Today, at different times, I spoke with both of my daughters and owned my mistakes and asked and received their forgiveness.

Now, being their mom, I could've easily passed it off.  I woke up better, everyone was happy.  I didn't have to bring it up.  Forget about it.  I'm sure they had.  However, I had not.  It's important to me that my children (I'm sorry, my teenagers) realize the affect words and actions can have, whether you're having a bad day or not.  They need to learn to ask for forgiveness even if the person that needs to grant it didn't think they did anything wrong.  They need to learn how to ask and how to grant forgiveness.  You don't have to grant forgiveness right away.  There are times when I have said and have been told "I will forgive you, but I'm not there right now".  That is perfectly acceptable.

I've passed on my love of reading to my girls (my son left that gene in the womb on the way out I think).  I've passed on our families recipes, I've passed on our love for music.  More importantly, I've passed on our morals and values and our faith.  It's not just in the big moments where they learn, it's in the little everyday moments too.  And, I give them plenty to learn the art of forgiveness.

Until next time,
If you messed up (no worry, I still love you as does God), ask for forgiveness.  If I've hurt any of you out there, please forgive me too.


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